If you’ve looked into the topic, you’ve probably heard all sorts of hair loss and hair restoration myths — from baldness being all your mother’s fault to hair restoration being unbearably painful. Let’s take a look at some popular beliefs to separate fact from fiction.
Myth #1: Hair loss is all your mom’s fault.
Have you ever been told that you’re going to lose your hair if your mother’s father did? Not true. There are many factors that play into hair loss.
Hair loss can be attributed to the interaction of many genes, inherited from either parent. Although the baldness gene is found on the X chromosome (which comes from a mother), research shows that men are more likely to develop male-pattern baldness if their father is bald. There is no proof that baldness is based solely on genes from your mother’s side.
If hair loss runs in your family, you are more likely to experience it. If your father’s family has a history of hair loss, you are at risk even if your mother’s family has no history. Hair loss is polygenetic, so your hair loss fate is determined by an assortment of genes from both immediate and extended family.
Myth #2: Thinning hair is an “old people” problem.
Some 50% of all women and 80% of men will suffer hair loss by their 80th birthday. For many people, hair loss does come later in life, but this isn’t always the case. The myth that thinning hair only happens with age is false.
You are never too young to experience thinning hair. If your genes put you at higher risk for hair loss, it can start happening as early as your teenage years. In fact, a male whose family has a history of hair loss will likely start losing his hair earlier in life — sometimes even before he’s old enough to drive!
About 40% of men will suffer noticeable hair loss by the age of 35. According to the American Hair Loss Association, a quarter of men affected by hair loss will begin to show the first signs before they turn 21.
Myth #3: Wearing baseball caps makes you go bald.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no reason to stop wearing your baseball cap if you are worried about hair loss. The idea that wearing hats leads to hair loss is a misconception. Hair loss would only happen if the hat was so tight that it pulled out your hair. Even then, the effects wouldn’t be permanent.
Myth #4: Shaving your head will make hair grow back thicker.
In an attempt to make their hair follicles stronger, some men regularly shave their heads. In reality, this does not prevent hair loss. If anything, frequent shaving of the head could speed up the process.
Cutting your hair or shaving your head does not make hair grow back thicker, but it may appear to at first because your hair follicle is thicker at the base than at the tip. As hair continues to grow, you will see that there is no change.
Myth #5: Hair restoration never looks natural.
If you are like most people, you probably assume that all hair procedures have the appearance of unattractive plugs or resemble cornrows. The fact is that restoration procedures have come a long way since the days when unnatural-looking hair plugs were the only solution.
Today, it’s possible to get permanent, natural-looking hair with the right procedure. When your hair restoration is done by a qualified NeoGraft team, your new hair can look even better than it did in your youth!
A good team will have the necessary skills to carefully consider the angle, direction, color and texture of your hair to give you the best, most natural results. Many NeoGraft patients aren’t able to tell the difference between transplanted and non-transplanted hair.
Myth #6: Hair transplants are not a good fit for seniors.
Seniors actually make great candidates for hair restoration surgery because the extent of their hair loss is more predictable than the hair loss of a younger person. Surgeons decide on a case-by-case basis whether someone is a suitable candidate. They consider many factors, not just age. In fact, some surgeons may decline patients younger than 30 because they lack an established hair loss pattern.
Myth #7: A hair transplant will hurt.
Not at all! Trained NeoGraft technicians use anesthesia to numb your scalp during the harvesting and transplant. You should be comfortable and relaxed both during and after the procedure. Many people read, watch a movie or chat with their transplant team during the procedure. The whole thing takes just a few hours.
Patients who follow post-operative care guidelines report that they experience minimal discomfort during the healing process.
Myth #8: Hair restoration will leave visible scarring.
Not with NeoGraft! Unlike traditional strip harvesting techniques, which require a large incision to remove a section of scalp from the back of your head to use as a source of follicles, NeoGraft provides a minimally invasive option that leaves no linear scar. Hair follicles are gently removed and the scalp remains completely in tact. There are no scalpels, sutures or unsightly scarring.
To learn more about NeoGraft’s nonsurgical, noninvasive hair restoration technique, contact us today.