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posts about Causes of Balding

Hair Loss Due to Illness or Surgery

Hair loss due to illness or surgery is more common than you might think. Thinning or loss of hair after an illness or surgery is not uncommon. But all too often patients are not told in advance of the possibility of hair loss. And, because shedding begins two to three months following the illness or procedure, the association can be overlooked altogether. It’s called telogen effluvium and it’s the... Continue Reading

Hair Loss and Gene Therapy: Can You Afford to Wait?

Hair loss gene therapy can be one option for fighting alopecia. What Causes Hair Loss? For years, androgenetic alopecia, commonly called male or female pattern baldness, was thought to be caused by the predominance of the male sex hormone, testosterone, which women also have in trace amounts under normal conditions. While testosterone is at the core of the balding process, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the... Continue Reading

What Are the Causes of Hair Loss?

These hair loss causes are the most common ones. Does your hairbrush have more hair than you do? Is a receding hairline all you see when you look in the mirror? Losing sleep over why you’re losing your hair? Here are some of the most probable causes for your hair loss. Stress: There are three types of hair loss that can be associated with... Continue Reading

Alopecia Agony and Hair Restoration Reality

Hair restoration is still a possibility for those suffering from alopecia. At any given time, about 90% of the hair on your scalp is growing. Each follicle has its own life cycle that can be influenced by age, disease, and a wide variety of other factors. As you age, the rate of hair growth slows. There are three phases in the life cycle of a hair... Continue Reading